The Mind Money Spectrum Podcast
Graystone Advisor, LLC is a registered investment adviser offering advisory services in the State of California and in other jurisdictions where exempt from registration.
Investing Forever LLC (d/b/a, Investing Forever Advisory) is a registered investment adviser offering advisory services in the State of Florida and in other jurisdictions where exempted.
The Mind Money Spectrum Podcast
#128. The mutual fund industry is changing. Here's how.
Understanding mutual fund share classes helps transparency in financial services.
In this episode, Trishul and Aaron discuss mutual fund shares classes and the evolution of mutual funds over the last forty years. They describe how stock brokers transitioned to financial advisors and how the Internet improved investor education. Consumer demand and aligned incentives fostered the rise of fee-only investment advisers more than regulatory requirements. ETFs are not necessarily better than mutual funds if you understand how they work and where they came from.
Episode References
MMS #11. In the active vs. passive debate, fees and taxes matter more than trying to identify alpha
MMS #90. What you need to know about advisory fees.
Investing Forever - Active vs Passive
Vanguard Share Classes
Invesco S&P 500 Index A (passive mutual fund)
John Bogle (Vanguard Founder)
American Funds Growth Fund of Amer A
Vanguard S&P 500 Mutual Fund
Vanguard S&P 500 ETF
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund
Aaron Agte and Trishul Patel go beyond traditional finance questions to help you explore how to use your money to achieve the freedom you want in life. Aaron is a Bay Area Financial Planner with GraystoneAdvisor.com, and Trishul is an East Coast Wealth Manager (InvestingForever.com). MindMoneySpectrum.com and YouTube.