The Mind Money Spectrum Podcast
Graystone Advisor, LLC is a registered investment adviser offering advisory services in the State of California and in other jurisdictions where exempt from registration.
Investing Forever LLC (d/b/a, Investing Forever Advisory) is a registered investment adviser offering advisory services in the State of Florida and in other jurisdictions where exempted.
The Mind Money Spectrum Podcast
#135. Aaron and Trishul discover the meaning of life.
If a Tesla robot can fold your laundry (and do all the other chores), how do you spend your time? What do you take pride in?
In a world where robots handle our chores, what becomes of human time? How should we guide children into adulthood? Aaron and Trishul explore these questions, delving into Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. They contrast the past, where activities fulfilled both basic and self-fulfillment needs, with a future where self-esteem must be cultivated separately from safety and security. With all needs provided for, the quest becomes: How do we discover our purpose? And crucially, how do we impart this quest for purpose to the next generation?
Episode References
MMS #3: Does money buy happiness?
What is the Rabbit?
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Tesla Robot Folding Shirt
Aaron Agte and Trishul Patel go beyond traditional finance questions to help you explore how to use your money to achieve the freedom you want in life. Aaron is a Bay Area Financial Planner with GraystoneAdvisor.com, and Trishul is an East Coast Wealth Manager (InvestingForever.com). MindMoneySpectrum.com and YouTube.